The Ira & Ineva Baldwin Lecture Series

Each year at the University of Colorado, a lecture is given as part of the Graduate Teacher Program Intensive. A guest speaker is chosen by the School of Education and the Academic Selection Committee. Ineva Baldwin, graduate of CU-Boulder, and her husband Ira, have provided an endowment so that the lecutres will continue as an annual event.

"We continue to support the Best Should Teach Initiative
because we believe that good teachers are so critical
to the future of this country."

-Ira & Ineva Baldwin

Guest Speaker
Dr. R. Eugene Rice
U.S. Department of Higher Education
Dr. Walker Parker University of Washington
2001 Dr. Margaret Murnane Colorado University
Orlando Taylor Howard University
Patricia Nelson Limerick University of Colorado at Boulder
Martin Bickman University of Colorado at Boulder
Carl E. Wiieman University of Colorado at Boulder
Pedro A. Noguera New York University
Stanley Fish Florida International University

Ineva Baldwin

  • Graduate of CU-Boulderas an English major
  • Employed as Assistant Professor in English at CU
  • Managed residence hall for women at CU
  • Dean of women at university of Wisconsin
  • Lt. Commander in the US Navy

Ira Baldwin

  • BS in Agricultural Chemistry at Purdue University
  • Ph. D. in Bacteriology at Universtiy of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Associate Prof. of BActeriology, University of Wisconsin
  • Dean, Graduate School, Universtiy of Wisconsin
  • VP, Academic Affairs, Universtiy of Wisconsin

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© 2001 Lindley J. Stiles